Page Directory: If Everyone Cares - IF FACE BOOK WAS A DEGREE, I'D HAVE A 1ST!
If Everyone Cares
if everyone hates forwards how come you still get them sent to you!?
If everyone is saying it... Why won't you tell me who?
If Everyone Knew This Astonishing Fact About Unions, We'd All Be In One
If everyone was tipsy 24/7 the world would be such a happier place.
if ex's can still be friends they are either still in love or never were,
If ex's can still be friends, they are still in love or they never were
If ex's can still be friends, they are still in love or they never were
If ex's can still be friends, they are still in love or they never were
If ex's can still be friends, they are still in love or they never were
If ex's can still be friends, they are still in love or they never were
If EX's can still be friends, they are still inlove or they never were.
If Eye May
If f-a-c-e-b-o-o-k charges to use its site nobody will be on it anymore!!
if FaCe BoOk was a subject i will get A+ in it
If Face Book & My space became one- You would tell people 2 come on myface.
If Face book becomes a pay site, we won't pay!
If face book dies like msn did, there will be suicides.
If face book was a class, I'd be a 4.0 student