Page Directory: If Facebook shuts down… - If falling in love was a sin then I would gladly go to hell for loving you.
If Facebook shuts down…
If FACEBOOK was subject 4 me then i would get A++++++++++....++++ grade..
if facebook were a subject id get a 10/10
If Facebook were a subject, my parents would be sooo proud. :)
If Facebook were a subject, my parents would be sooo proud. :)
If Facebook were a subject, my parents would be sooo proud. :)
If Facebook were a subject, my parents would be sooo proud. :)
If Facebook were a subject, my parents would be sooo proud. :)
If Facebook were a subject, my parents would be sooo proud. :)
If Facebook were a subject, my parents would be sooo proud. :)
If Facebook were a subject, my parents would be sooo proud. :)
If Facebook were a subject, my parents would be sooo proud. :)
If Facebook were a subject, my parents would be sooo proud. :)
If Facebook were a subject, my parents would be sooo proud. :)
If Facebook were a subject, my parents would be sooo proud. :)
If facebook's so boring, WHY DO YOU KEEP GETTING ON?!?!?
If facebooking was a job..... then i'd probably be a billionaire
If Faceboook was a school subject, I'd always get A+!
iF facEbuk wAs A sUbjEct.......thEn tHere waS hArd cOmpeTiTiOn..........!!
If falling in love was a sin then I would gladly go to hell for loving you.