Page Directory: If I told them that they'd lock me up - again - If I treated you, the way you treat me. You would hate me.
If I told them that they'd lock me up - again
If I Told You
If I Told You
If i told you how i actually felt, would it change everything?
If I told you I'd have to kill you
If I told You I'd have to Shoot You !! LOL
If I told you that i love u would you love me back ?
If i told you that i love you,would you love me back ?
If i told you that i love you,would you love me back ? Life Pro Tips
If i told you the truth you would just freak...
If I treat u the way u treated me. U would hate me
If I treated you the way you treated me, you would hate me.
If I treated you, the way you treat me. You would hate me.
If I treated you, the way you treat me. You would hate me.
If I treated you, the way you treat me. You would hate me.
If I treated you, the way you treat me. You would hate me.
If I treated you, the way you treat me. You would hate me.
If I treated you, the way you treat me. You would hate me.
If I treated you, the way you treat me. You would hate me.
If I treated you, the way you treat me. You would hate me.