Page Directory: I hate it when people watch you on the computer - I hate it when plans change...
I hate it when people watch you on the computer
I hate it when people wear my glasses and say, Wow you really are blind! Well no sh●t, you dont see me taking a persons wheelchair and saying, "Wow you really can`t walk!"
I hate it when people wear pajamas to school.
I HATE it when people wear sandals with socks!
I hate it when people whisper and you know its about you :|
I hate it when people who i love them become stupid..!
I hate it when people with bad breath are in your face talkin to ya
i HaTe iT wHeN pEoPlE wRiTe LiKe ThIs BeCaUsE tHeY ThInK iTs GaNgStEr!!
I HaTe It WhEn PeOpLe WrItE LiKe ThIs!
I hate it when people write status's that are always depressing.
I hate it when people you need to talk to are offline
I hate it when people, wear my glasses and say, "Wow you really are blind!" Well no s...
I hate it when people, wear my glasses and say, "Wow you really are blind!" Well no s...
I hate it when people, wear my glasses and say, "Wow you really are blind!" Well no sh*t, you don't see me taking a persons wheelchair and saying, "Wow you really can't walk!"
I hate it when people, wear my glasses and say, ..Wow you really are blind!.. Well duh, you dont see me taking a persons wheelchair and saying, ..Wow you really cant walk!..
I hate it when people, wear my glasses and say, ..Wow you really are blind!.. Well duh, you dont see me taking a persons wheelchair and saying, ..Wow you really cant walk!..
i hate it when peoples come back is ''UR MUM''
I hate it when person whom you love alot pretends to be a stranger
I hate it when pitbull says he knows i want him, when i blatantly don't.
I hate it when plans change...