Page Directory: -ForEver- - -Friday- Teacher: "Okay students, remember, that report is due Monday first thing!" ...
-Forse se ti dimenticassi avrei più probabilità di essere felice.
-Forse un angelo sei;
-Forza Roma-
-Fosforlu Düşünceler.
-Fosforlu Düşünceler.
-Francesko Totti-
-FREE- NataliS three drops earrings
-fresh midnight sαnd.
-Friday- Teacher: "Okay students, remember, that report is due Monday first thing!" You *when you get home*: "Psh, nobody does homework on a Friday. I'll start it tomorrow." -Saturday- "Haha, what WAS I thinking?! Who does homework on a SATURDAY?
-Friday- Teacher: "Okay students, remember, that report is due Monday first thing!" You *when you get home*: "Psh, nobody does homework on a Friday. I'll start it tomorrow." -Saturday- "Haha, what WAS I thinking?! Who does homework on a SATURDAY?
-Friday- Teacher: "Okay students, remember, that report is due Monday first thing!" ...