Page Directory: "sorry" means nothing if you're going to keep doing it. - "Soul On Fire"
"sorry" means nothing if you're going to keep doing it.
"Sorry, a diet coke with your meal wont help you lose weight."
"Sorry, Did I Wake You?"..."Naa, I'm Usually awake at 3:30am aren't I..."
"Sorry, Officer...I thought you wanted to race with me.."
"Sorry, Officer...I thought you wanted to race with me.."
"Sorry, Professor, but I must not tell lies." -Harry
"Sorry, Professor.But I must Not Tell Lies"~The Chosen One
"Sorry, we only carry sizes 1, 3, and 5. You can try Sears."
"sorry,i have cherleading.." story of my life.
"Sorry." "It's ok..." "No, I'm really sorry." "Ok, just quit sayin sorry." "OK, I'm sorry." "AHHHHH!" "Oops! I didn't mean it... I'm sorry." -_-
"Sorry." "STOP SAYING SORRY!" "....Sorry."
"Sorry." "STOP SAYING SORRY!" "....Sorry."
"Sorry."......................"STOP SAYING SORRY!" "............Sorry."
"Sorteo Súper Hijitus Rojo y Plata dedicado por García Ferré"
"Sortez une feuille!Controle surprise!" "Mrde j'ai pas révisé..."
"Sortez vos livres." - "HAAAN MEEERDE , héé psss! vous avez 2 livres !?" ^^
"Sos alzheimer".
"Soul of Motown, The Early Years: From Then Til Now"
"Soul On Fire"