Page Directory: "Who needs Edward Cullen when you've got Damon Salvatore?" - "who ya texxxxtin?"
"Who needs Edward Cullen when you've got Damon Salvatore?"
"WHO PUT THIS HERE!!!!!!!!!" "ummm mom, I think you did..."
"Who r u texting?", "Maybe a person!"
"Who said nights were for sleep?" — Marilyn Monroe
"Who said you could?"..."who said i couldn't?
"who sang this song?" *convict....* "oh, its akon"
"who sings this song?" "oh, lets keep it that way!"
"Who The F**K is Jake Knowles?".
"Who the fuck is Justin Bieber?!" - Ozzy Osbourne
"Who the hell is the creator of -WHO the HELL is AJ Perez?"
"Who took a massive shit on the couch" "Nan please, thats Oprah"
"WHO TOOK MY PENCIL???? Oh, it's on the ground, nevermind."
"Who was Joan of Arc, Ted?" "...Noah's wife?"
"Who was that?" " I don't know but they were hot..."
"Who wears the pants in your relationship?" "No-One wears pants"
"who were ye curting last night?"
"WHO WILL I Marry in the Future" (Find out your future partner here).
"Who Would You Vote for in Today's Iowa Caucus? Vote NOW!" on FreedomConnector
"Who wouldn't want pets that can burn, sting, and bite all at once?"
"who ya texxxxtin?"