Page Directory: "Yerevan" Wind Orchestra - "Yes mum I'm nearly home." *hangs up* crap, I better leave now
"Yerevan" Wind Orchestra
"Yes gay men holding hands. Problem? Do you want to stop staring"
"YES ! I am an Engineer"
"Yes ! I am in Love with You"
"YES GROUP PROJECT!" -later- "Awww man, I'm stuck with these losers"
"Yes I am Moody, I dont Care What you Think !! "
"Yes I am Selfish I Don't Want To Share You With People."
"Yes I Can" Radio Show
"Yes I have finished" "Did you do the back?" "THERE WAS WORK ON THE BACK?!"
"Yes i miss u a lot "
"YES I WAS BORN in 80's & GREW UP in 90's"
"yES i'M mAd bEcAuSe, i caN't sTop mYSeLF To Loving U"
"YES MOM I DID!"... Run off to do it before she finds out you didn't.
"Yes mom, I'm on my way right now." .... "Guys I gotta go, NOW."
"Yes mom, I'm on my way right now." .... "Guys I gotta go, NOW."
"Yes mom, I'm on my way right now." .... "Guys I gotta go, NOW."
"Yes mom, I'm on my way right now." .... "Guys I gotta go, NOW."
"yes mom, we're almost there.. yeah, we'll arrive in 5 minutes.. yes, bye" *looks at friend* dude, we gotta go NOW!
"yes mom, we're almost there.. yeah, we'll arrive in 5 minutes.. yes, bye" *looks at friend* dude, we gotta go NOW!
"Yes mum I'm nearly home." *hangs up* crap, I better leave now