Page Directory: "Ti stavo appunto per chiamare io" - "Tiens prend ça dans ta gueule !!!"
"Ti stavo appunto per chiamare io"
"Ti voglio bene quanto me ne vuoi tu, triplicato per ∞"
"Ti voglio bene" - Video Mediaset
"Ti voglio così bene che ti cederei la punta del mio cornetto"
"TianDe" Сандански
"Tiankov tv"
"Tick tock goes the clock" - Wiress
"Tick Tock the arena is a clock"
"Tick tock. This is a clock."
"Tick, tock. This is a clock." - Katniss
"Tickle my ass with a feather" "What?" "I said typical nasty weather"
"tidak mudah melupakan seseorang yg pernah ad di hati,meskipun org yg sangat qta cintai sesungguh nx adlah org yg sngat mnyakiti qta" (weiittzzzz,, radja kata2,, kd pham jua pdahal aquw.. wkwkwkwkwk)
"tidy your room. right now" "mother, are you not aware of how important this status update on facebook is?"
"Tiempo Congelado" Liz Photography
"Tiempo De Comenzar"
"TIEMPO DE VIVIR"(Jóvenes Enamorados)
"Tiene toda la pinta", el más válido de los argumentos
"Tienes sacapuntas?" -Si, para qué lo quieres?- "Para borrar pendejo!"
"Tiens prend ça dans ta gueule !!!"