Page Directory: "You know what I'm SAYING?!?" "No, I don't know what you're saying." - "You Like Sleeping? OMFG So Do I!!, We Should Try It Together!!"
"You know what I'm SAYING?!?" "No, I don't know what you're saying."
"You know what I'm SAYING?!?" "No, I don't know what you're saying."
"You know what I'm saying?" No I don't really, no.
"You know what makes me sad? YOU! MAYBE WE SHOULD CHUG ON OVER TO MAMBY PAMBY LAND WHERE MAYBE WE CAN FIND SOME SELF-CONFIDENCE FOR YOU, YOU JACK-WAGON!...tissue?" *throws tissue box* "Cry baby..." (:
"You know what They say.." Who exactly is THEY? :D
"You know what's weird?", "Your face."
"you know what?"..............."dont worry about it!!!"
"You know you from Philly if."
"You Know You Grew Up In El Monte If"
"you know you went to heatly if..
"You Know You're From Plano,Il When "
"You know you're Nick Rapley when "
"You Know Your A Junior Hurler When"
"You know your from Slidell when."
"You know your mood swings are kindaa giving me wiplash" <3
"You know, when I was a kid..." MUM, DAD. TIMES HAVE CHANGED!
"You know, you could live a thousand lifetimes and not deserve him."
"You laugh weird." ... "At least i laugh (:"
"You Like BVB?" "Andy Sixx is So Hot!" "Andy Biersack Bitch!"
"You Like Sleeping? OMFG So Do I!!, We Should Try It Together!!"