Page Directory: Oi!Warning - Oi, Miga
OI(Orang Indonesia)Iwan Fals Fans
oi, 2011. you can give me tears, tantrums, anger, fights, heartbreak, and betrayl.. but i survived 2010. so i'm superman, and i'm gonna face it all. hahaha.
Oi, ang cute mo! "Parehas tayo" :')
Oi, Aure
Oi, cockhead that's my missus. Touch her your stomped
Oi, Cotô
Oi, eu sinto
Oi, eu sou GOKU
Oi, eu sou Jão
Oi, eu sou o Nepô.
Oi, Fatty. Look at yourself. Do you not feel any shame?
Oi, hold the wheel for a sec
Oi, I LOVE YOU. love me back please?
Oi, I LOVE YOU. love me back please?
Oi, Invejosa.
OI, look a whale washed up on that beach NAN! please thats Sean Kingston.
Oi, Menina
Oi, Miga