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Ok, Mom/Dad you got your point across, you can stop talking now.
Ok, Mom/Dad you got your point, you can stop talking now.
Ok, nije grijeh biti ruzan, ali ti STVARNO PRETJERUJES.
OK, no more fooling around gotta study *goes on google* OMG PACMAN
Ok, ok, to sad nije vazno. Ajde me ceskaj.
Ok, ok. I'm serious now *Long Pause* *bursts out laughing*
ok, ora dico la mia.
Ok, questa era squallida.
Ok, seriously, i need to start my homework now. oooh a notification!
Ok, seriously, i need to start my homework now. oooh a notification!
Ok, seriously, i need to start my homework now. oooh a notification!
Ok, seriously, i need to start my homework now. oooh a notification!
Ok, si nos pillan ésta es la historia...
Ok, So Tulsa Story Slam
Ok, so Arthur is an aardvark, Buster is a rabbit...what on earth is Binky?
ok, so explain to me exactly HOW wearing nail varnish affects my learning?!
OK, So I've GONE RED!! I know, I can feel it! YOU DON'T HAVE TO TELL ME!!!!
Ok, so Santa just kidnapped me and shoved me in a big red sack! Who put me on their Christmas list? ;)
Ok, so Santa just kidnapped me and shoved me in a big red sack! Who put me on their Christmas list? ;)
Ok, sono geloso