Page Directory: OMG, Really? - OMG, he's staring at me!
OMG, Really?
OMG, A Lady With A Mustache!
OMG, ang hot mo! Paulinian ka noh!?
omg, are you serious? wow, that pretty much just ruined my life.
OMG, Crazy Hidden Subliminal Message Inside The Facebook Logo!
OMG, der Typ redet mit seinem Pferd. Komm Teddy das schaun wir uns genauer an!
OMG, Did You Just Say That
OMG, Did You Just Say That
OMG, Did you see that HOT guy?... Duh! I saw him before you did!
OMG, die kindjes in The Voice Kids zijn echt super cute
omg, du bist etwa 13, und wechselst im 2-Wochentakt den Freund und schreibst bei jedem >> i ♥ you forever HALLO?! du weisst doch gar nicht was Liebe ist -.-
OMG, ENSERIO?!!:O Siiiiii, tlj! &COMO TE ENTERASTE? nosee lo vi en facee
OMG, EVERYONE ELSE in this class is talking, why are you yelling at ME?
omg, ew. i hate 'lol'.
OMG, Google Street View makes kid hurt himself ! (No Survey!)
OMG, Gunna Sneeze Gunna Sneeze Gunna. . . . . its gone
Omg, har du tabt hjernen?
OMG, Harry Styles! *.*
OMG, he's staring at me!