Search Results
Do You Take Advice from Any Consultant to Study in Abroad?
Corey McCreary
Would you pay for a book for young S&C coaches on preparing them for their first few years in the profession; including CV and cover letter writing, interviewing, professionalism, and much more?
Monumental Strength
What do you want to learn about Inclusion?
Visions and Voices Together
What information would benefit you as a Parent? What areas are you interested in knowing more about?
Paige Stewart
What content would you like to see more of on this page?
Drinking Tutors Fanpage
Would you be interested to mark #InternationalWomensDay on March 8th, by attending a policy event: 'The Impact of Community Education on the Lives of Women' that is being organised by AONTAS? The event will highlight the purpose and value of community education for learners and wider society, and stress the need for long-term and sustainable funding to ensure its ongoing existence. It takes place from 10am - 1.30pm on Friday, 8th March at the Richmond Education and Event Centre in Dublin. More information can be found here:
KWETB Community Education
la blouse à l'école, pour ou contre ? Le sujet brûlant du moment : faut-il ré-introduire la blouse ou l'uniforme à l'école ? Certains voient là une opportunité de remettre de l'égalité au coeur de la cour de récréation : on évacue les signes extérieurs de richesse liés à l'habillement, les enfants se jugent seulement d'après leurs qualités humaines. D'autres pensent au contraire qu'il s'agit d'une régression liberticide : l'enfant n'a plus le droit d'exprimer sa singularité par son habillement, de construire peu à peu les particularismes de son identité, sa créativité est brimée par l'uniformisation. Et vous qu'en pensez-vous ? Etes-vous pour ou contre le port de la blouse à l'école ?
What do you think is the most important issue in America today?
Matt Fiebig for Mayor
If I chose to do a beginners art class for a small fee this summer, would anyone be interested?
Untamed Art By Joedi
What influences your decision to go to a language school?
Geos LA
What time of day (or night) do you find it easiest to study?
International School of Linguists
Where does an educator begin?
What type of content would you like to see more of in our member magazine, the Union Sportsmen's Journal?
Union Sportsmen's Alliance
Why do you think people should go to university, study and get better jobs than for them to go to other places. Do you support university education or is it one of the things you just don't understand? Say why or why not? Raise your views.
Manthaudi Joel Mpati
What classes would you like to see offered at iLEAD Learning Centers?
ILEAD Exploration
Which Prize Would You Love to Win?
BEST Pacific Institute of Education
Interested programs & Courses
Study in Malaysia Made Simple
Do you think race & cultural diversity education should be mandated in school social science curriculums K-12? Feel free to add your reasons in the "other" section. Your privacy will be maintained. Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey.
Diversity Rocks
Who is called the father of the nation?
Hallmark Public School
What are you most excited about seeing in the Library?
Milaan Be the Change
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