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Jon B or Justin Timberlake
Justin Timberlake or Jon B
Michael Mack
PAP should not change the constitution for the criteria of the Elected Presidency without ayh public referendum on the matter.
NSP: National Solidarity Party
which political idea should we work toward to meet the end goal of freedom
Anarchist taxation is theft memes and more
Is it time to overthrow our government?
Is it time to overthrow our government?
Aaron Phillips
is it disgusting to eat large quantities of straight blue cheese
Keil Elkins
Please select all titles that you'd recommend that UoA's Book Club reads in the Non-fiction genre (highest number of votes win) - please look up on goodreads for summaries if unsure.
Please select all titles that you'd recommend that UoA's Book Club reads in the Fiction genre (highest number of votes win) - please look up on goodreads for summaries if unsure.
University of Auckland Book Club
Who is the first female foreign secretary of Pakistan?
Which Article of the Constitution of Pakistan talks about the Freedom of Information?
Would you eat a devon sandwich with tomato sauce on white bread?
Michael Heaney
ไสยศาสตร์ กับระบอบการปกครอง ท่านคิดว่าตนเองจัดอยู่ประเภทใด
Sarawut Bamrungkittikhun
First i'd like to say thanks for all ye're wonderful input on a name for the new van. So we have decided to give ye the final option on our two favorite names..... p.s if this also leads ye into thinking ye are part of a democratic process, it is most definitely not and is completely rigged. we just like ye to think we are nice,
The Midnight Union Band
What kind of Governance have Nigerians Experienced over the years?
The environment is now in a precarious state with the confirmation of Scott Pruitt as the head of the E.P.A. New Yorkers, if the EPA gives us a choice on which vermin we can deal with and which one they will fund to clear out, which one would you choose?
Ricky Ray McCardell
Which of this year’s accomplishments are you most excited about?
Move To Amend
Dekyiling Shichak
In response to the "Inaugural Year Approval Poll" that offers readers no option to give a negative assessment of the president's first year in office, I would like to offer an alternative. I've included the original poll options, but please feel free to add other (more nuanced but still civil) responses. Best wishes for a continuing resistance in 2018!
Stephen Jackson
Should Newark Public School Board Election be moved from April to November?
Yolanda Johnson
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