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Help! I need to validate an ebook idea. Its simple. Please vote yes or no. Opinions welcome but unnecessary. The question: Does this idea interest you? Publish an ebook that helps non-writing English instructors teach fiction. Many educators, for example, struggle with literary interpretation and wish the author was available for questions. This ebook resolves that problem. The collection of short fiction includes the author's story intention, comments on the work's inception, plus a question-and-answer study guide that addresses the craft features of each story. Thank you!
Roy Gomez
Which of the English Lethwei Warriors will win and lift the English Championship belt for the 1st time? or will it be a draw, with both fighters go home empty handed?
British Lethwei Council BLC
QUESTION OF THE DAY! Who will win the Premier League next season?
KTN News Kenya
How are your English studies going?
Easy English Articles
¿Cuál te gustaría más ver en inglés?
Inglés con Elvira - GO English Granada
If the Kent Police Commissioner Election were to be held tomorrow, who would you vote for ?
Steve Uncles - English Democrats
What do you consider as the most important reason to learn the English language?
Fame Private Institute of English
When you meet someone (stranger or acquaintance) outside and they ask, "How are you?", what is your usual answer?
Mark Melichar
Do you like our page? What can we do to improve it?
Le Chateau Wedding
What do you find the hardest thing about learning English
Speak to the World
What theatre plays and performances are you mostly interested in?
Theatre in English in Denmark
When booking your holiday, what is the most important factor?
Inlingua Malta
Где Вы изучали английский?
Sergey Ivanov
Are you voting for a Greater Manchester Mayor on 5th May, if so which candidate would you like to see elected?
Prestwich, Whitefield, Unsworth and Radcliffe People
Which drama do you want to watch the most next?
Productive Procrastinator Drama
If you have cancer, what do you think is the best way to die?
How do you like to talk with friends?
How do you like to talk with friends?
What is the worst sound in the world ?
If we started to show English Premier League, which team would you prefer to see playing?
Murray & D'Vine
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