Search Results
The Renegade duo debates freedom of speech. What do you think? Should freedom of speech be unlimited?
Moet vryheid van spraak grensloos wees?
Forum Films
In the past month, I have promoted SEXUAL FREEDOM
SEXx Interactive
Why do you/did you use drugs?
I Need.
Do you still go to church in a building or home? None at all? Somewhere in between?
Your Mom's A Holy Roller/Shannon Ruddy
Which political party will you vote for in a free Election in East-Kurdistan?
Freedom of hair for all job and work places no matter the profession!
Lizzie Lunn
The new laws say: "No person shall wear in any public place any garment, clothing or such other material concealing the full face which will in any manner cause any hindrance to the identification of a person." "Full face" means the whole face of a person including the ears. Do you think this is a fair response to the current security situation?
The 5th Estate
What is your favorite Freedom Festival Event?
East Jordan Freedom Festival
If you have an unvaccinated child, would you consider entering them in the first ever Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated Health Study?
Mea Slez Mumpz
Would you donate your #cryptocurrency to a SC House or Senate candidate if they supported a fast track to organize a task force, regulate the industry in the state and could, by law, accept it ? (currently politicians in SC cannot unless running for a national office.) Vote !
Dennis Fassuliotis
Which U.S. political party is most likely to infringe on Freedom of Religion rights?
Alan Yarborough
Do you believe America is still 'Free'?
Alicia Gooley
After spending over 8 years in solitary confinement in prison in the United Kingdom for simply being naked, do you think Stephen Gough aka the Naked Rambler should be freed UNCONDITIONALLY?
Do you want to see the London and Brighton World Naked Bike Rides show their collective support to free UNCONDITIONALLY Stephen Gough aka the Naked Rambler by carrying banners and flyers?
Richard Alexander Collins
Are you in Favor of Wind Turbines?
Sean Davis
Should the U.S.A. have full Concealed Carry License Reciprocity across every State?
Osborn Holsters, LLC
If you could make extra income each month, how much would that be?
Laura Collins Manore
Would people of the internet rather that I write about: storytelling, creativity and writing craft OR Society, Politics and Cultural Identity?
Axel Matfin
Who would you vote for in 2016, President, and Vice President, of these choices?
Daniel Wissert
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