Search Results
Do you brush your teeth starting on the same side as your dominant hand?
Samantha Madison
Do you brush your teeth starting on the same side of your mouth as your dominant hand or the opposite side?
Iita Peltola
Do you start brushing your teeth on the same side as your dominant hand or the opposite?
Micaela Mickey Murray
Do you brush your teeth starting on the same side of your mouth as your dominant hand or the opposite side?
Team TrashKingdom
Do you brush your teeth starting on the same side of your mouth as your dominant hand?
Laura Schmitt
Which side of your mouth do you start brushing on?
Shera Dawn Hunt
Which side of you mouth do you start brushing on?
Kerry O'Connor
As part of my participation in GISHWHES this year, I'm conducting a super scientific research poll. When brushing your teeth, do you start brushing on the same side as your dominant hand, or the opposite side? For example, if you are right handed, do you start brushing your teeth on your right side, or your left?
Amy Rogers
***We interrupt this news feed for a important gishwhes poll question*** Do you brush your teeth starting on the same side of your mouth as your dominant hand or the opposite side? The gishwhes Institute of Vital Statistics needs to know! #gishwhesteeth
Whatcom Incidents & News
Do you brush your teeth with your dominate hand or with your opssite hand #gishwhesteeth
Kim Faulks
When you brush your teeth do you start on the same side as your hand?
Helena Pereira
Doing a poll for Gishwhes and I need you help!! I need at least 400 responses, so don't hesitate to share! When brushing your teeth, which best describes you?
Maranda Martin
When you brush your teeth, do you start on the same side as your dominant hand, or do you start on the opposite side? Think carefully...this is important! Research for the GISHWHES Institute of Vital Statistics.
Adanna Kenlow
Will you help the GISHWHES Institute of Vital Statistics to prove conclusively whether people brush their teeth starting on the same side of their mouth as their dominant hand or the opposite side? To do so, simply select your match below. If you can't remember, try brushing your teeth right now.
S James Parsons Jr
When brushing your teeth, do you start brushing from the right or left? What is your dominant brushing hand? #gishwhesteeth
Katrina George
Do you start brushing your teeth on the same side as your dominant hand or the opposite side?
Deniz Demirkurt
Do you brush your teeth starting on the same side of your mouth as your dominant hand?
Do you brush your teeth starting on the same side of your mouth as your dominant hand?
Jenaya Rowe
Do you brush your teeth starting on the same side of your mouth as your dominant hand or the opposite side?
Do you brush your teeth starting on the same side of your mouth as your dominant hand or the opposite side?
Esther Medworth
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