Search Results
What type of firearm should I acquire next?
Gary Tucker
What gun should we finish next?
Hades Industries
Co sądzisz o powszechnym dostępie do broni palnej na terenie Polski ?
Polskie sondaże
What should we develop next?
Sarge's Shooting Bags
Which should the Army use as their service pistol?
Infil Outfitters
Does the federal firearm background check system work?
Should there be a limit on the amount of bullets a gun can fire
C William Hardy
Should gun laws be regulated?
Kreshanu Kris Koul
Do you think mental health should be considered when guns are envolved?
Captcha Thoughts
Do you support criminal immunity for the proper use of self-defense? Under such a law, the state would reimburse some of the legal fees for the proper use of self-defense. In other words, a gun owner who is found "not guilty" because they properly defended their life, would be reimbursed some of their legal fees by the state. The law has been used in other states as a means of preventing anti-gun prosecutors from taking gun owners to court to make a political statement.
Idaho Second Amendment Alliance
Gun Rights versus Gun Control
Martin Rheaume
Would school/mass shootings be more controllable with increased gun laws or with actionable, preventive measures such as teacher-carry or metal detectors
Mark Sudan
So what's the go to talking point about the 18th mass shooting so far this year?
John Brame
In light of the recent event in Florida and past shooting alike, would you favor allowing teachers (public or private) to be armed?
Daryl Stephens
What are the purpose of guns?
Amanda Ince
Let’s get this out of the way todayz Guns, should we...
Would you be in favor of having two or four armed and properly trained Millcreek Township School District staff members assigned to each school building?
Would you be in favor of having armed and properly trained Millcreek Township School District staff members assigned to each school building? | Erie Times-News
#SperkinPoll: Some politicians have suggested that training and arming teachers with firearms would help reduce casualties in school shootings. Would you support a law that would allow this?
SNHQ- Sperkin News
What is your favorite centerfire caliber for big game?
Green Diamond Outfitters Moncton & Halifax
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