Search Results
What pillar of humanity should we explore in May?
Love Community Group
Are you pro-choice?
Megan West
Who would be interested in attending an informational forum on "sex trafficking and human trafficking" that is going on locally?
Dynamite PCN Southside Indy Group
Diabetes can be cured with diet, exercise, and medication.
Pick the answer that best describes you.
Pick the answer that best describes you.
Pick the answer that best describes you.
Eli Foggitt
Should love island/any celebrity rubbish be forever known as....
Mark Dalziel
Teacher’s Teacher, Thought Leader, Communications Expert and World’s leading authority on “The Human Potential” since past 27 years - Patricia Sun ( left us all enamoured & truly elevated at “OXFORD INSPIRES 2018” with her talk on “Intuition & Inspiration”. AND THERE’S MORE TO COME - She has graciously agreed to hold an in-depth workshop for us at GTC on one of her key expertise areas - Men, Women & Relationships! An area where success unlocks such levels of happiness that can only be experienced for each one of us in our lives. I cannot even begin to describe how much I have personally benefited from Patricia’s teachings. It will be a shame to not share! And while personal sessions with her are per request, she has agreed to do this transformational workshop for us at Oxford for at a fraction of her usual fees (10 instead of 100!!) Not to be missed! Interested? Please indicate in this poll which date and time would you like t
Akanksha Anand
The new laws say: "No person shall wear in any public place any garment, clothing or such other material concealing the full face which will in any manner cause any hindrance to the identification of a person." "Full face" means the whole face of a person including the ears. Do you think this is a fair response to the current security situation?
The 5th Estate
Do you believe that homosexual/same sex childbearing.child production will be doable in the near future?
Μυρτω Ταμπακη
Friday is National Bike to Work Day. Would you ever ride your bike to the office?
G&A Partners
After spending over 8 years in solitary confinement in prison in the United Kingdom for simply being naked, do you think Stephen Gough aka the Naked Rambler should be freed UNCONDITIONALLY?
Do you want to see the London and Brighton World Naked Bike Rides show their collective support to free UNCONDITIONALLY Stephen Gough aka the Naked Rambler by carrying banners and flyers?
Richard Alexander Collins
Which social justice issue would you like to see more of in your newspapers?
Fiji Media Watch/ Media Watch Group
Of the three nominated, who do you feel should be presented the HR Nightmare of the Year Award for 2015?
HR Nightmare
What is the best way to tackle a bully?
Rights for Education
You're a Sunni living among a majority Shia population and have a choice between two forms of governance. Which would you choose?
Mohamed Ghilan
5050 parental right for willing parents or it's kidnapping.
NZ Men Fed Up With Family Court Founder- public
هل يوجد انتهاكات لحقوق العمال بشركات التعهيد (الخدمات - الآوت سورس) التي تقوم بتوريد العمالة للشركات والمؤسسات بعقود مؤقتة / طويلة المدة ؟
شبكة المعرفة المتكاملة لحقوق الإنسان
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