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Is there discrimination against gays in Barbados?
BRavewise Associated Peacemakers - BRAP
What should we can the ODI e-newsletter? Please vote on the below, or propose a new name. Your opinion matters. Thank you!
What should we name the ODI e-newsletter? Please vote, or give us a new idea. Your opinion matters. Thank you!
New Zealand Office for Disability Issues
I'm curious, Marriage Equality... What did you vote?
Morgan Indigo Bell
Community Poll: Who do you think should be Detroit's Water Snake of The Year?
People's Water Board Coalition
To whom will you vote in 2019 (Nobody support Generals on SC/ST act)
Balkishan Vyas
Do you support the Emergency Medical Evacuation bill which supports transferring people seeking safety from Manus Island and Nauru offshore facilities to mainland Australia where medical treatment is not available locally?
Do you support the temporary emergency evacuation to mainland Australia of people seeking safety from Manus and Nauru where treatment is not available locally?
Chris Schmidt
Should Human Euthanasia be legalized in Ireland for people who are suffering unbearably?
Katherine Foran
Do POC have more road blocks and obstacles for success then white people?
Stefika Stefika
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