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Koliko je novca potrebno da dobijete da biste odgledali 10 reklama od po 30 sekundi?
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Hva står på julemenyen i år?
SBS Norwegian
Ukoliko bi koristili usluge virutelnog asistenta bi angažovali:
Virtuelni asistent
Who's watching 'Making a Murderer' at the moment? (We can't get enough!) We have a debate in the office over what we would call this style of show and want your answers - Real Crime or True Crime?
Really Channel
Does Mayor, Bill De Blasio piss, sitting or standing?
Jason A. Maldonado
Can you see this?
Jolin Martinez
How long should I make my next timelapse? (Should i leave it at 20min or speed it up to 10min?)
I-Shamba Is a device we're developing,a farming aiding device to help farmers with the lack of adequate information on the status of their crops by bridging the information gap with high end technology. The device will be able to measure all preliminary farm info including soil fertility and provide suggestion understandable to any small holder farmer. It will further monitor all crucial conditions during the whole cultivation period and aid through the productive decisions.
Polymath Continuum
Cree usted que Jesús murio por ti?
Sociedad Decente
When did you first like Ward?
Stand With Ward
ANONIMNO ANKETNO PITANJE: Kojoj stranci ćete pokloniti povjerenje na predstojećim lokalnim izborima 2016.
Balkan X portal
Honest answer needed! Would you buy from me if I sell LuLaRoe?
Melissa Schap
Vote for your favourite summer song? RETV Charts - Sat @9pm
RETV - Reggae Entertainment TV Jamaica
Do you want to see Friends Reunion?
Friends - The Joey Tribbiani
I always want to know how ppl vote. Do you share your vote with others or keep it confidential? There was a time when votes where public information, and required a signature
Ceci Ruff
Ok, so I've like really been wondering about this since I see it a lot recently. Is mac and cheese really a component of thanksgiving dinner? I just want to see how many people make it on thanksgiving for their dinner.
Amelia Upton
Gdje bi voljeli ići na matursku ekskurziju?
Medicinska škola Zenica
რომელი ლოგო მოგწონს? :)
Shota Kakuria
რომელი ლოგო მოგწონს? :)
IMJ Group
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