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Is the page of #AlaaTkaful page useful for your health awearness and lifestyle .
I need opinions guys! I'm thinking about doing a weight-loss "challenge" starting in April or May. The winner of this 6 week challenge will get 6 months of FREE workout and meal plans customized by me! The challenge will cost somewhere from 30-50$ to enter and will include meal plans with many options, as well as specific workouts to follow. Let me know what you think by voting below so I can gauge if I should work on getting this project started!
Mia Alexa
What Is Your Reason For Not Working Out?
Vika Savichev
What would you like to see on this page?
Journey to Health with Jemina Dove - Jdove
Will you answer a short questionnaire about your health?
Markéta Davies
What do you struggle the most when it comes to your nutrition?
Dalton Nutrition - Mark Dalton
One fitness obstacle I face is:
Body Kneads, Etc.
Would you buy more expensive but natural beeswax candles or you would opt for cheaper paraffin candles which are made from petroleum oil?
Delight Soap
What does Fitness mean to you?
Effortless Bodies
What's your pick?
Do you get your recommended 8+ Fresh servings of Fruits/Vegetables that we need per day?
Health Influencer
Which It Works product would you MOST like to see in a giveaway?
Do You consider yourself Healthy?
My Waistline - Super tips for living a Healthy and fit Life We all deserve.
如果HarkHark 推出流動應用程式(App), 您覺得那種服務最重要?
Hark Hark- Find Deals/ Order Takeaway
What is your routine on weekend nights ?
Apna Faisalabad
What is one thing you would change about your life, if you had the chance?
Get Healthy - Live Life - Gain Financial Freedom
Would you buy a big house & car then work till old to pay off the loans, or buy a small house & car and work half of your life time?
Destination Atlantis
Ai plati pentru un workshop in care sa afli ce tipologie de comportament are partenera sau partenerul tau, si unde sa inveti cum sa abordezi lucrurile in relatie in functie de acest lucru?*
Alexandra Dobocan
which of these makes you fat?
Dr. Vipun
What Keeps You from Living the Positive Life You Want?
The Positive Life Plan
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