Search Results
You're favorite metal band is ____?
More Metal Than Hippie
What kind of music do you listen to?
Urban Beats Daily
What's YOUR favourite music style? (SHARE this poll with your music friends!)
Sebastiaan Jonkman
Which track from Metallica's 'The Black Album' is your favourite?
Blue Banana
Jaký je Váš nejoblíbenější styl?
Who would you prefer to see your kids going for their concert? Justin Bieber or this crazy super hot Japanese Metal band ?
Your favorite metal song of all time?
Axes and Allies
I am going to post a Band of the Month each Month on The Shattered Sounds Radio Website! I would like get your opinion on which band should be the band of the month. Choose from the following Bands. Or add your band to the list. Must be a local or Independent Band.
Shattered Sounds Promo
Which Shows Do You Want More Of In 2017?
What genre of music is your favorite?
Radiocast FM Hello! We will be entering a competition by Spotify where you can win up to £10,000! All we have to do is make the best playlist possible and get as many Spotify followers as we can on it! We decided it would be cool if we all do this together so we decided to do it by Poll. Please add options on vote on what you think are the best Rock and Metal songs ever. We have a limit of 30 songs, GO!
UWE Rock & Metal Society
Which video should I do next?
The Will To Grow
Rilisan fisik manakah yang jadi favoritmu dan paling nunjukin karakter Metallic Ass?
Metallic Ass
New Winter 2017 playlist incoming! What do you want more of?!
What Is the Biggest Issue Hindering the Success of Local Metal Bands?
What is the biggest factor hindering the success of local metal bands?
Brittany Kosztyo
Which Amaranthe song would be most suitable for Intro to a Maximalism tour recap video?
Amaranthe Metal America
Who do YOU want to see in 2018?
Deep Water Bookings
What's Your Favorite Iron Maiden Album?
What's Your Favorite Iron Maiden Album?
Michael Dean Juy
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