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What do you think should happen to the water feature in Mandjar Square (outside the Mandurah Performing Arts Centre)?
Councillor Peter Rogers - City of Mandurah
Who you got winning this battle?
Who you got winning this battle?
SolidFoe Luchi
Do you believe there is sufficient amounts of support for those experiencing homelessness?
Emma Turner
How many of my FB friends post more than half of their material, especially alleged photographers, other visual artists and those claiming to be models?
Brian J. Elms
How to make money
Inchanga Art Awards
Vorresti cancellare parzialmente o completamente L' Art 75 della Costituzione Italiana il quale nega il diritto ad esprimere il proprio voto su trattati internazionali ed altro ad ogni singolo cittadino italiano? Costituzione Italiana Art. 75 " "
Lodovico Bonvecchi
I'm volunteering for National Campaign for the Arts in run up to Election. If you were to attend a hustings with GE2020 candidates in Galway City/ West to discuss their proposals for the Arts, when would suit you best to attend ?
Johanne Webb
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