Search Results
If the GOP Primary was today, who would you vote for.
3K Media LLC
Of the three nominated, who do you feel should be presented the HR Nightmare of the Year Award for 2015?
HR Nightmare
Who is winning Bihar?
APN News
Has the news about Ben Carson's portrait with Jesus changed your perception of the presidential hopeful?
Ana Cristina Mulero
Do you approve or disapprove of the way president Muhammadu Buhari handling of his job as president?
Do you approve or disapprove of the way president Muhammadu Buhari handling his job as president?
The Nigerian Insider News
कौन सा हिन्दी समाचार चैनल सबसे अच्छा है? / Which is the best Hindi News Channel?
राष्ट्रवादी पृष्ठ प्रबंधकों का समूह / Group of Nationalist Page Admins.
We're thinking of starting the webcast again. Would you watch?
Edited For Clarity
Are you OK with me making political posts on Facebook?
Chris Cantrell
What would be your basis in choosing the next leader of Pangasinan?
What would be your basis in choosing the next leader of Pangasinan?
Pangasinan News Online
What sort of waste management plan would you like to see on Six Nations?
The Turtle Island News
موجودہ صورت حال میں جبکہ ضرب عضب اور کراچی آپریشن اپنے آخری مراحل میں ہے۔ اور خطے کی بدلتی ہوئی صورتحال میں کیا آپ چاہتے ہیں کہ آرمی چیف کی مدت ملازمت میں توسیع ہونی چاہیے؟
News and Entertainment
Is Talk Show Host "Shock Jock"Pete Santilli's Incendiary Speech Protected by the First Amendment?
Challenging the Rhetoric in Today's News
What type of news would you rather hear on air?
What, if anything, would make you more likely to adopt solar on your home or business?
Wiser Capital
Who do you think will win the South Carolina Democratic Presidential Primary?
KJCT News 8
China announces a string of targets for 2016. Which impresses you the most? #TwoSessions
Xinhua News Agency
En avez vous marre de la situation calaisienne aujourdhui ?
CIN News Centre Infos - News National
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