Search Results
What is your take on house to house Takbir sessions Tuesday evening
Imtiyaaz Isaacs
Which film would be your top pick for a Christmas film night?
FXU English Society
Would you be interested to mark #InternationalWomensDay on March 8th, by attending a policy event: 'The Impact of Community Education on the Lives of Women' that is being organised by AONTAS? The event will highlight the purpose and value of community education for learners and wider society, and stress the need for long-term and sustainable funding to ensure its ongoing existence. It takes place from 10am - 1.30pm on Friday, 8th March at the Richmond Education and Event Centre in Dublin. More information can be found here:
KWETB Community Education
What is a fun, fresh, and professional sounding name for an aquatic training company based in Alberta?
Bailey Kuhn
Which movie would you like to watch on the coming Saturday at IUNC?
IUNC Film Society
Which is best Location for investment in Lahore?
Shahan Babar
Which film(s) would you recommend? (#2)
Bucketlist Weimar
Should Housing Societies stop Drying of Clothes in Balcony?
HSMS 2020 February, Nehru Centre, Mumbai
What type of clothing would you be interested in buying?
Keele Harry Potter Society
What should society do with drug users and addicts?
Alek Vachev
Is Technology Moving Too Fast?
Challenging the Rhetoric in Today's News
Would you rather be accepted by others or accept yourself?
Courtney Cox
Which show do you want us to put on next semester?
Brookes Drama and Improv Society
What do you think, public breastfeeding should be banned ?
Aman Bajpai
Do you think technology is making you more unhappy and lazy?
Persis Shanker
Hello students of Medway, on the 20th of september Medway Sikh society and Medway Hindu society will be hosting a movie showing. We believed it would be better if you got to choose the movie you would like to see on the day. If you have any recommendations then feel free to add it into the comment below, and feel free to like comments with movie suggestions on them.
Medway Sikh Society
How Do You Rate The Performance of Nigeria President Muhammadu Buhari
Nigeria World Today
Za jaką opcją polityczną w Polsce jesteś ?
Co sądzisz o powszechnym dostępie do broni palnej na terenie Polski ?
Polskie sondaże
Which is the most destroying social-issue in societies today, in your opinion?
Yassin Soudan
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