Search Results
Worldwide Vote - Who would you vote in as U.S. President?
Paul Charters
Ce rezultat credeți că se va înregistra la meciul de mâine împotriva U Cluj ?
SC Olimpia Satu Mare
Poll: Should Yellowstone Grizzly Bear Be Delisted, Hunted and Killed? Yes/No (Feds Say Yes)
POLL: Should USDA's Secretive Wildlife Killing Program Be Abolished? Yes/No -- VOTE NOW!
Which version of Pokémon are you planning on picking up?
Two Button Crew
What do u want to see more of on the hub?
Mike D'angelo
Koristite li proteine u prahu u svojoj svakodnevnoj prehrani?
Sportska prehrana
Who handles the finances in your home?
U Financial
Would you like President Trump to visit Belfast?
Cllr Jolene Bunting
Should the UN be asked to relocate their Headquarters to another Country?
Dwight Martin
Da li mladi treba da ostanu u Srbiji i glasaju ili da idu iz zemlje
Dragomir Starcevic
Which will happen first? Will April have her baby? Or will U-Verse and Raycomm get their sh!t together?
Stephenie Oxford
Which party you are going to vote in this election in the UK
Dinesh Gautam
Should Pink Promises perform at the 'Eindactiviteit'?
Pink Promises
Dali već znate gdje idete za doček Nove Godine?
Dali već znate gdje idete za doček Nove Godine?
Mr.Brown Lounge Bar
What country does your favorite dessert come from?
Melanin Squared
Да ли су трошкови обнове музеја оправдани и реални?
Немања Некић
Who should be the next Tory leader?
Did the U.S. land on the moon!?
Daniel Clayton Ingle
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