Search Results
We are getting ready to order the 2019 Birkie swag. Besides the traditional Birkie T-shirts tell us what you would like to see or make your own suggestions (no idea is too crazy
Canadian Birkebeiner Society
What is your favourite winter accessory
Atterbury Value Mart
2019/2020 Winter show series at Keystone Acres - which would you attend?
Rose Equestrian Central VA
I am planning to start my own business for baby clothes and accessories so I want to know what would you like me to make?
Rita Palit Ghosh
Which fragrances are your favourite for Autumn/Winter?
La Salon Leigh
Mogelijk de laatste keer dat je je klok moet wijzigen! Werkt de switch van winter naar zomer uur productief voor je medewerkers? Op voorstel van de Europese Commissie besliste het Europees Parlement in maart vorig jaar om de halfjaarlijkse switch tussen zomer- en wintertijd in 2021 af te schaffen. Dat betekent dat de staten moeten beslissen of ze permanent in zomer tijd of permanent in wintertijd willen leven. De voorkeur in belgie gaat momenteel uit naar Winter uur (50% winter tegenover 45% zomer) waar gaat jou voorkeur naartoe? Laat me in de comments weten waarom!
Pako Ret
大家 17/18 雪季會想幾時去滑雪呢?
Snow Monkeys
With the Winter of 2014/2015 being so very cold what will the Summer of 2015 be like?
Sovt Today: News Info & Lifestyle Of Southern Vermont
What type of winter weather gets you most excited?
The Duluth Experience
Ktorý biatlonista získa najviac bodov v hodnotení SP v sezóne 2015/16 ?
Biatlon magazín
What Seasonal Drink are you Most Excited about?
Full Throttle Java
What is your worst winter driving fear?
Jelena Pucilowski - Insurance Broker
What do you like best about the winter?
The Comet
When's the last time you changed the air filter in your furnace?
Blairco Heating & Air Conditioning
What is the most energy efficient thermostat setting for "Winter" months?
Broad River Electric Cooperative
Help us rename our 15-17 year old retreats! Select below your favorite name. The name with the most votes will become the official name for our 15-17 summer and winter retreats. Thanks for your participation! French translations are in brackets.!
St. Malo Catholic Camps
The big day is a short week away! What's your favourite roast? #LoveRosso
Rosso Restaurant
Which boots do you wear the most?
Velvet Moxie
As the first snow falls in New Hampshire, we want to know how prepared you are for winter driving. Vote in our poll and tell us how you feel about it.
New Hampshire State Police
Are you a Skier or a Snowboarder?
Summit Worldwide
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