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What was twitters original name?
Social Gupshup
Pick your favourite drink for our Super Summer Sale on May 28th !!
Kraken Counter Couture
ما مدى رضاكم عن قنوات التواصل الاجتماعي الخاصة بوزارة تطوير البنية التحتية؟
Ministry of Infrastructure Development
Sosial Media Favoritmu
Ariel Computer
Kizomba workshop followed by a social tomorrow 1-5...?
Yelena Jurney
Polling ini saya buat, hanya ingin mengetahui bagaimana respon teman2 semua ketika kita melihat suatu kesalahan atau kemungkaran di sekitar kita, misal kita melihat seseorang sedang akan mencuri, apa yang akan kita lakukan..? atau yaa misal ada orang yg berdiri di pinggir jembatan mau bunuh diri..
Helmi Mohamad
Do you think social media is important for your business
RRC Agency
এই রমজানে পথ শিশুদের মুখে হাসি ফুটাবার জন্য এবং ঈদ এর আনন্দ ওদের সাথে ভাগ করার জন্য কি করা যেতে পারে?
What is everyone's favourite form of social media right now?
Alan Banks
Would you buy a copy of Carpe D.I.E.M art as stickers/prints?
Carpe DIEM
While atheists take pride in being the more logical breed over their religious counterparts, the current scenario has witnessed the youth following atheism by the fear of being left out of their social groups. The idea behind atheism, to some extent, is challenging the enforcing nature of religious extremism via presentation of logical arguments. However, atheism is facing the danger of becoming an enforcing entity, bashing religion by the means of memes, posts, jokes and, any other form of expression at disposal. Please take this poll and let us know your thoughts in the comments section below, bringing us a step closer to finding what is right via a civilized debate.
Youth Obligation
Why do you think most people choose to stay in miserable relationships?
Eric Terry Sr.
When it comes to the good and evils of modern social media (Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, etc), does one out weigh the other?
The Edge Podcast
Clean the World needs your help selecting a new hashtag for our Hygiene Kit Program. Which hashtag do you like best?
Clean the World
And now it's time for "Question of the Day" - the part of the show where StudentHero coaches hop on Facebook and ask a curious question. :P If you are between the ages 17-35, why are you usually on social media?
Edward Macdonald
Do you still use the Yellow Pages
Hoonoos Barbados
How does "Facebook use" interfere with Life (work, relationships, academics etc)?
"How would you define Social Responsibility?
How would you define Social Responsibility?
Southeast Ventura County YMCA
Where shall we have our Pint with PinT social this week? (Thursday 27th July)
Peterborough in Transition
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