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Pick your favorite Christmas movie for PULSE movie night
Parkview PULSE youth ministries
Today's big youth / children's work question: When you order pizza for your group, what topping is most popular?
Energize Now
We are looking to add some semi-structured open gym time in the evenings this summer. If you were interested in coming, which evening works better for you: Wednesday or Thursday?
Cobb Atlanta Volleyball
Do You Think That There Should be an LGBT Youth Club for Young People in Kingston?
Marcus D Youthworker
Our youth track club is growing and we're getting new uniforms for the 2018 season. Which uniform is best?
Steve Strother
One Sports Nation offers NFL Flag Football. Which team would you want your child to play for?
One Sports Nation offers NFL Flag Football. Which Team Would You Want Your Child to Play for?
One Sports Nation
Are you going to sign your child up for cheer in the 2018 season?
Fernley Youth Cheer League
What is the best time for Middle School Youth Group to meet?
What is the best time for High School Youth Group to meet?
What is the best time for Middle School Youth Group to meet?
Should Middle School and High School meet together?
Should Youth Soccer return in El Paso this summer?
Should youth soccer return to El Paso this summer?
El Paso Classic Soccer League
How did you get your current job?
Will you go for a Young Adults Israel Trip that has adventure, community work and interaction with locals on top of the must-see Biblical sites?
White Stone Experience
Which of these would you take for a walk?
Organ Vida - International Photography Organisation
How did you get to #NYC15LOU?
Nazarene Youth Conference
How would you like to see the old Kingscliff Coast Guard Building on the creek used?
Kristie Hedley
is 13 years old, old enough to safely start joining Social Media sites.
Kristina Bambina
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