Search Results
Baboon Matters Trust is engaging with UCT academics to create an in-depth survey on residents' opinions about the possible relocation of some of Cape Town's most at-risk troops. This Facebook poll is just intended as a quick "test of the water". QUESTION: Would you support the relocation of SOME of the Cape Peninsula's baboon troops to a large, free-roaming sanctuary, if the long-term survival of these troops on the Peninsula was found to be at risk?
Baboon Matters
What is the main reason you support Bernie Sanders?
Ashley Nicole
Do you think there is a pet over-population?
No-Kill New York City
What Animal/s do you own?
Pets R Us Raymond Terrace
POLL: Should USDA's Secretive Wildlife Killing Program Be Abolished? Yes/No -- VOTE NOW!
Lemurs, a type of primate, are native to what island?
Trivia Cat
تحيرت إدارة تحرير الجزيرة مباشر في اختيار عنوان لتصريحات ترمب، ندعوكم لاختيار واحد من هذه العناوين:
قناة الجزيرة مباشر - Aljazeera Mubasher Channel
which makes a better pet
What should we name the newcomer?
Lost Dog and Cat Rescue Foundation
What should I draw next?
Eureka's Art
What should the next custom animal design be?
Sara Cat Design
Should religious slaughter of animals, be banned in the UK ?
Sara Squires
Which Australian Wildlife Do You Like The Best?
Southern Ranger
I want to see what peoples’ thoughts are on this! Vote on which business name you think is best (all followed by “Service Animal Training” or add another contender!
Jessica McNeely
In your opinion, what is the best way to solve animal overpopulation?
Alicia Wright
You have a roommate who has a cat. If over time the cat continually sprays around the house, should you continue to keep it inside or take it outside? The animal is fixed and is a few years old. It is raised as a house cat.
Sierra T Womack
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