Search Results
Would you attend a new Zumba class with Holly Kezia?
HKW Sports Therapy
What is the best time of day for you to take a yoga class?
A Healing Vibration
BOOT CAMP CLASSES: Which day/time would you attend? This will be an 8 week course to start.
Slam Box Fitness
Looking to adjust my group exercise class offerings and need input on when you would attend classes...Check all that apply. CIZE and Insanity coming soon! Let me know if you want to see these classes at your gym...
Kella Price Fitness
Would people be interested in an evening Zumba class? We were thinking Mondays from 6-7PM before Yoga, if people would attend. :)
Pilates on Hilton
What is your favourite fitness class at the Cricklade Leisure Centre?
Cricklade Leisure Centre
What classes are you most likely to attend?
RP Fitness
What classes would you like?
La Perla Beauty
What type of fitness class would you like to see at the Sports Centre
University of Lincoln Sports Centre
Pilates classes for the New Year. Which times suit best for beginners classes?
Potential times for beginners Pilates classes starting in January 2016. Which time suits best?
Gerard Keenan
Do you like Group Fitness Classes and what is your favourite?
Platinum Mind Body Fitness
W który dzień tygodnia przyszłabyś do Ośrodka na darrmowe zajęcia fitness (godziny poranne)? Which day of the week would you come to our centre for free fitness classes (morning hours)?
Lewisham Polish Centre
What times would work best for us to hold a Postnatal Fitness class?
Well-Rounded Maternity
What group classes are you most interested in?
Anytime Fitness New Westminster
What would you like to see included in my giveaway?
Brenda Brady
What class would you like to see at CCPlus @ The Center this fall?
CCPlus @ The Center
**CLASS TIMES / PLEASE VOTE** We are thinking about moving our mid-morning classes to 8:15 and 9:15am to accommodate members who need to drop off children at school. Are you in favor of the class time change?
CrossFit Fury
Would you prefer a morning class (8-9 am) or afternoon (12-12:45pm) or both
Studio House of Bounce
Which service are you most interested in from us?
Iron Centurion Fitness
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