Search Results
Who will you vote for?
Frank Herron
Who will you choose in a 4-Person Race for #POTUS?
Chuck Ball
Who will You Vote For in the Presidential Election? (Assuming the Front Runners Stay the Same - My Last Poll for the 2016 Presidential Race)
Andy Webb
Who are you supporting for POTUS?
Prosecute Obama and his lackeys
Ted Cruz suspended his GOP nomination, after choosing a running mate before the Indiana primary, mathematically Cruz could not clinch the GOP nomination, Since suspending the GOP nomination does Cruz?
Kevin Wright
A Trump Presidency would get me to move to Canada.
Pablo A. Rajczyk
If Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are the soon to be nominees, would you vote for a third party candidate instead in November?
Joe Rosa
Do you believe it makes a significant difference who wins the presidential election?
If #Trump becomes president of the United States, do you think people will feel more secure and become less concerned about the Constitution and learning about the proper role government? Tell me why you answered as you did in the comment section on my FaceBook page. If you are curious, here is the proper role of government:
KrisAnne Hall, JD
您認為哪一位美國總統候選人當選後會比較能夠維護台灣人民的利益?Which presidential candidate is more likely to protect the interest of Taiwanese people if elected?
FAPA - The Formosan Association for Public Affairs - Los Angeles Chapter
Would the Spectators like to see a selfie meme making fun of Hillary or Trump?
The Ruthless Spectator
If (pick a candidate) is elected, there will be mass riots and martial law.
Ted Havill
Bernie Supporters How will you vote if he loses the DNC?
Adrienne Paulin McDougall
POLL: With California Loss, Should Bernie Sanders Get Out of the Race Now? Yes/No?
Who do you Support?
We ARE America
CLICK TO VOTE: Would you like to join Lance and Brent for a private screening of "Hillary's America?"
Real Investment Advice
Who are you planning to vote for in November?
Ian McDizzy
Should All Of The Repetitive, Nonsensical, Duh Oh So Obvious Polls Being Passed On Facebook Be Ignored?
Rich Meyers
If the presidential election was held today, who would you vote for?
My Daily Journal
which political idea should we work toward to meet the end goal of freedom
Anarchist taxation is theft memes and more
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