Search Results
How many hours of speciality training do you think LMT's should have before practicing Cupping for Massage Therapy in Arkansas?
Coalition For Arkansas Massage Therapy
Massage is a proven effective tool for managing stress and pain levels and is widely used as a preventative health care. However many insurance companies do not cover it in their plans. The average cost of massage is $60.00 an hour, not everyone can afford this. What is the rate you would be able to afford to pay on a monthly basis to receive a one hour massage as preventative care?
Destination ReNEW
What is your favourite treatment?
What is your favourite treatment?
Rockingham Beauty
Have you ever received a professional massage?
Neufeld Therapeutics
Need a monthly massage? What's a fair price to you?
Stress Busters Massage Therapy
Wat is het belangrijkste aan een wellnesstherapeute ?
The Wellness Room Antwerp
If you were looking or are having to have any type of treatment/ activity like osteopathy, aromatherapy, acupuncture, massage, yoga, pilates reflexology, reiki etc. What is the maximum you would or do travel? (assuming your normal travel method e.g. car, bike, tube) Thanks and much love! x
Innovation Tribe
What is the second strongest muscle in the body?
BeActive Clinic
Do you deserve a massage?
Aeon Social Emotional Health
What was the most powerful type of bodywork treatment you have experienced? You can add suggestions
DeepWorks Massage & Manual Therapy
What sounds like a great weekend activity to you?
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What would you like to see next from RKB!?
Karma Fouch
What day would you prefer to come along to a pamper evening
Pembury beauty Salon
Inquiring minds want to know what music do you like to listen to during your massage?
Calming Touch
Would you be interest in a relaxing Antenatal Retreat day?
Turtle Tots & Tums North Lincs
Celeste is ready for bed but she’ll be up bright and early tomorrow. What do you want to see her doing tomorrow?
The Refinery Skin Clinic
Would you or someone you know be interested in attending a massage certification program?
Molly Jurgensen
How many of you go to massage at least once a month for maintenance?
Brandi Brink
We are looking to see what our customers would like to have for our next candle scent. So what do you like?
Shadow Goddess Creations
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