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How many bits is a byte? (90% fail to answer this) Ask your friends for answer ?
Sxope Ventures- India
For all Parents, which broad topic you love to read or write about your kids and parenting journey? Enter your vote and Share the link if any in comment box below..
Social Kids
what is the most experienced challenges during adolescence ? and why ?
Rovie Cayetano
In which area would you like to see growth in the new year?
Maria Gilbertson Life Coaching
SUTRISNO menurut kamu orangnya bagaimana ?
Steven James
Hey FB Friends, I'm doing a little research and could use your help! Which of the issues below do you think is most needing to be addressed in today's world? Or, in what order would you rate them?
Which of these issues do you think is most in need of being addressed?
Shari Phillips
Which of the following problem/s would you like to solve with your PROSTHETIC HAND ? (Please Note: Your identity will not be disclosed. your feedback will be helpful for the development of an active upper limb prosthesis)
Robo Bionics
Vote for who you think is the White House mole.
Corey Bouche
What kind of YouTube content should I create?
Patrick Wise
Halo rekan-rekan FKMS Sintang. Apa kabar? Setelah sekian lama tidak update lagi, now we are back! Dan kembalinya kami disini sekaligus mengajak rekan-rekan semua untuk ikutan polling mengenai isu-isu menarik yang sedang hangat terjadi di lingkungan sekitar kita selama ini. Kami berencana untuk membahas tema besar dalam kegiatan tukar paham mengenai isu sosial. Sub tema yang bisa dipilih untuk didiskusikan bersama antara lain:
Forum Komunikasi Masyarakat Sipil Kab. Sintang
What factors can increase the risk of developing Glaucoma?
Who is the CM of Andhrapradesh In 2019?
Veerababu Web Design and Development
The Main opposition Part (APC) have decided to boycott the Bintumani 3 Peace Talk. Do you think it's fair or unfair to the development of this nation?
Albert Jack Kailie
How many User like Paid or Free(GPL) Plugin and Themes
Wordpress Themes and Plugin
What is your vision for emerging Haverhill based on lessons learned from this past year and pandemic?
John Michitson
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