Search Results
When is the Best Time for You to Vote Early?
Jonathan Wallace for State House District 119
Where should I move to after my high school career
Where should I move to after my high school career?
Jakub Chen
Should Hawker Zone declared by B.M.C in front of our school Pragnya Bodhini be accepted?
Should Hawker Zone declared by B.M.C in front of our school Pragnya Bodhini be accepted?
Pragnya Bodhini
Do you plan to learn or are you currently learning a foreign language?
Owl Languages - The Online Language School
Would school/mass shootings be more controllable with increased gun laws or with actionable, preventive measures such as teacher-carry or metal detectors
Mark Sudan
Do you think it's time for Americans to have a true and reasonable discussion on the gun debate? If so, should the debate focus on restricting guns, stronger background checks, reporting of mental health issues, enacting serious safety precautions in our schools, some of the above or all of the above? Feel free to add your own thoughts.
Laura Westerfield
Do you support the arming of teachers to defend students at school? Please answer yes or no. Also, please refrain from commenting.
Tyler McCamey
What solution for protecting the schools do you think would work the most? If more than one option, choose all options you feel would help.
Justin Tonkin
If I started a GoFundMe and raised a ton of cash, which issue should we attack first?
The Common Sense Team
Should I run for Governor of Delaware? I am a Constitutional Conservative. I support having armed sentinels who have completed a Delaware approved Carry Conceal Weapons course, and have been permitted. Also, all teachers must undergo a psychological evaluation .The armed sentinels complete a 20 hour special training certification course on mitigating an active shooter Cameras installed in school halls and classrooms, Improved protocols for students to insure their safety during an active shooter. Re-instating the powers of the County Sheriff . Law enforcement work with ICE to battle the problems of illegal Delaware . Lower corporate taxes . improve the justice system: tougher sentences for criminals possessing a firearm already prohibited and repeat offenders.. Providing better opportunities for inmates to learn vocational skills .
Earl R. Lofland
#SperkinPoll: Some politicians have suggested that training and arming teachers with firearms would help reduce casualties in school shootings. Would you support a law that would allow this?
SNHQ- Sperkin News
I would like all parents with children in school to ask your children what worries them the most in school
Flick Taney
IF The Tory government has lied and used fake news against the Russian government over the poisoning of Sergei and his daughter. To distract the country from NHS crisis social care crisis free school meals and brexit should parliament be resolved and a ELECTION TAKE PLACE YES OR NO
Ray Newlove
ইতিহাস পাঠ্য বইয়ে আর খুঁজেই পাওয়া যাচ্ছে না বিপ্লববাদের অস্তিত্ব। নেহরুপন্থী ইতিহাস পাঠ্য বইয়ে আর ২০ বছর পর হয়তো নেতাজির নাম নিশানা ই থাকবে না। স্বাধীনতা সংগ্রামে নেতাজির কৃতিত্বকে অস্বীকার করার যে প্রয়াস ১৯৪৭ সাল থেকে নেহরু শুরু করেছিল তার কি ২০১৮ তেও প্রয়োজন আছে..?
M B Durlovepur High School, MALDA
Which candidate the merit to Represent Infocoms. (Infocoms School Rep)
Karisma Shiquez
هل قضيت وقتاً ممتعا بصحبة ابنائك معنا اليوم بأكاديمية المها و هل تريد أن يتكرر
Y shady swimming school
Would you support a bill for at risk youth to receive comprehensive sex education from doctors, social service agencies, and like providers in Washington?
Chelsea Matteson
Should I run for Lafayette parish school member or Lafayette police chief
Louis Harrington
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