Search Results
What type of musical would you like to see Llandudno Musical Productions perform in the future?
Llandudno Musical Productions
Which perk are you most excited about?
Theatre Knoxville Upgrade
What would you like to see as the next Teen Summer Musical?
Young Artists Ensemble
Of these shows which would you like to perform in?
Clare Malone-Hallett
In the past, we have hosted a day camp. Should we revive our week-long summer day camp in June 2017?
Ohio Youth Ensemble Stage
What days are people free to rehearse 'A Flea in Her Ear' next week?
Brookes Drama and Improv Society
We're working on our 2018 schedule and we need your help. Let us know what tribute acts you would like us to bring to Barrfields. Don't worry if tribute acts are not your cup of tea there'll be plenty other shows to satisfy everyone. For more details on each act, pop over to our website
Barrfields Theatre Largs
Please answer the following to help us with our survey
Letsatsi Dance Theatre of Botswana
What musical would you like to see at Cumberland Theatre in July of 2018?
Cumberland Theatre
What is your favorite theatrical superstition?
Commedia del Arte of Mobile
What movie would you like to watch for Lionheart's Movie Night?
LionHeart Productions Coeur de Lion
What would you like to know about our mysterious new production?
Crackerjack Alliance
How accessible do you deem theatre in the U.K. To be?
Amy Ratcliffe
Which day of the week would you prefer PCT workshops (bi-monthly meetings) to be on? You can vote for more than 1.
What day would you prefer PCT meetings to take place on? These would be twice a month and you may vote for more than one day.
Prosper Community Theatre
Which shows are you currently involved in or would like to see tee designs for in my store?
Theatre Tees
Movies releasing tomorrow:- What's your pick?
Tamil Cinema Hub
How do you know Jay Walker?
Jay Walker
Following ideas for a new ballet came to the top of our list. Which is your favourite?
Russian School of Ballet
The Northeast Delta Human Services Authority hosted a successful, one-time production of “Addict” on Thursday, May 2 at the W.L. “Jack” Howard Theatre. We’re seriously considering hosting another theater performance, and we want your input. As the primary public health care agency for addictions, developmental disabilities and behavioral and mental health care in the 12-parish region of northeastern Louisiana, any future production would be focused on our agency’s core responsibility. With that in mind, which of the following would you love to see Northeast Delta consider for another drama?
Eddie Bynog Jr.
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