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Hello Generation of Cosplayers! We are nearing 1,000 Likes are we are absolutely floored! Thank you all so much for your support <3 We really appreciate it! We have had a lot of fun cosplaying together and managing this page and we look forward to the future of Generation of Cosplay! To show our appreciation, we would love to give back to all of you. Once we reach 1,000 Likes, we will be hosting a giveaway! Now we need all your help on deciding what we should give away~ Thank you for taking the time to vote ^_^
Generation of Cosplay
Moniaive Spring Fling Mural Love it! or Hate it! what do you think?
Moniaive & Glencairn Area What's Going On?
Now that the weather is warm again, it's time for some spring cleaning! What will you tackle first?
Best Window Washing Service
Care to vote? (not an actual vote)
Care to poll? (not actual vote)
"Shut up." "Yeah but-" "no no no no no, you dont get it shut up"
Save The Whales? SHould we change to general facts or keep it for whales??
Whale Facts
Save The Whales? Should we change to general facts or keep it for whales??
Who will you vote for? Just a fun little poll, I'm curious which way my family & friends are leaning. One vote per person is allowed, it's anonymous & NO COMMENTS please, just place your vote.
Debbie Sims
Considering my write-in vote won't count, thanks to Illinois' "sore loser" laws, I thought I might as well have a little fun with it. Cast your vote below people!
Mark Procarione
We are down to the final two names for our newest addition. His middle name will be Keaton and last name Scanlon (of course). What we need to decide on is Wyatt Keaton Scanlon OR Sawyer Keaton Scanlon. VOTE! (The one who wins will most likely be the name unless circumstances prevent it somehow)
Ray Scanlon
Do you support the terms of the draft Syrian Constitution?
Conflict Overwatch Group
Will you be catching the Grammy's this year? <img scr=""
Salon Decorum
Business Slogan. Help us choose the winner (and less lame). The winner will be showcased on our banner!
Retro-Build Gaming
An interesting topic came up since the very recent release of Young Phenom's latest single "Grounded" and we'd like to know the fans take on it. Which do you think is Young Phenom's biggest hit to date out of his top two ear grabbing singles, Grounded or Therapy?
রাতের বেলা বৃষ্টি হওয়া কি আমাদের জন্য ভালো নাকি খারাপ? (Is it GOOD or BAD for us to have rain at night?)
Joel D Costa
Do you get tired of your Facebook messages getting left on "Read" but no reply?
Kendrayl BigHomie Scott
If you could have any of our previous Shaver Heaven soaps, which would it be?
Shaver Heaven
I know it will be weeks before we will get to find out but I wanna see what y'all think....Boy or Girl?!
Kristin Dean
We're doing a charity bracket! Help us narrow this down from eight AWESOME charities down to one. For now, just pick between the two below (we know it's hard, don't worry no matter what your money goes to a great cause)!
Seriously Happy Homes
Next Cover Song?
Allison Green Music
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