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what do you want from Brexit?
Shane Alf Johnson
Mark Carney today has said that, if a No Deal Brexit was to happen, that GDP could crash by 8% and the £GBP would depreciate by 25%. Do you agree that this would happen?
Mo Ahmed
Should we leave the EU on WTO rules
Should the UK leave the EU with a No Deal
Ian Fisher
BREXIT - if it went to a 2nd referendum how would you vote.
Kevin Byrne
To Uphold Democracy and Leave the E.U upon 29th March 2019. Which would you choose? - Support the Withdrawal Agreement Negotiated OR Leave with No Deal?
Anthony Kempster
If they announced another Eu referendum tomorrow how would you vote
If the government announced another EU referendum tomorrow how would you vote?
Kevin Murphy
should Theresa May resign
Steven Thomson
I am curious about brexit votes getting split so which party people will vote for at the next election
Who will you vote for at the next election.
Who will you vote for at the next elections
Stephen Rainey
Who should be the next Tory leader?
So, if it came down to a Confirmatory Peoples' Vote, are you....
That Brexit Thing
Our children are the future of this planet, should grandparents offer their vote for proxy to their grandchildren?
Kris Samyui-Adams
Boris Johnson, Hero or Villain ?
Nick Labocha
If there was a second referendum, which is your vote, this is not to start and argument, just to see where people stand
Jamie Thompson
Is this the end of the Conservative Party In the UK?
David Ringsell
Do you think all the MP’s in The House Of Commons should be liquidated
Mark Bailey
Should we be granted a Bank Holiday on the 31st of January here on in as a Day of Independence...
Louis Eckersall
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