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Should Trump be allowed to make a state visit to the UK?
JUS News
As you all know, I will be Promoted to 2d Lieutenant in April 2017. My goal is to become a Brigadier General which is a 1st Star General before my Career is up. Which Titles have the best sound to them?
Joseph Alexander Suchorski
There is a WAR Coming!? You SURE You're on The right Side!??
Thailand Contribute
ENCUESTA: ¿Participarías en un paro el 11 de junio, día del plebiscito de status?
Estudiantes Informan
How is Donald Trump doing as President so far?
Lee Bregman Comedy
Over 100,000 Australians have died fighting for Western values, including freedom (which includes free speech). Personally I prefer to honour and respect their sacrifice. Do you believe the Australian government SHOULD RESTRICT FREE SPEECH and dictate which ideas and words may be expressed?
Adam Webber
If you were given the chance to study abroad, where would you go?
CanApprove Consultancy Services
Which US city do you want to visit? อยากไปเที่ยวเมืองไหน?
Today In USA มา อเมริกา
Whare would you immigrate: USA or Canada? - Immigration & Visa Guide
How Do You Feel About Kneeling Or Standing For The National Anthem?
Christian Brothers AC, Plumbing, Electrical
¿Qué canciones cantarán Yuri y Pandora en su nuevo tour?
Westwood Entertainment
What are your views on the current situation between Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un?
Sarah Munns
Do you agree with the NFL players who sit the the National Anthem?
George Boyce
Vote for your favorite oyster to win a dozen oysters & wine in December!
WTF at 49 Club Street
Do you think that #JERUSALEM should be Common to All so as to maintain #PEACE?
Amit Sharma
Should America build a wall on the Mexican boarder?
Tim Goodblood
Where should I move?
Stacy Jones
If the Presidential election were today would you vote to reelect Trump?
Bo Webb
Which country will accept Asia Bibi on humanitarian ground?
Canada One TV
conversations that are ______ I tend to like.
Michael David Tolliver
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