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Should the youth hold more political positions in Ghana?
Kofi Adabor
இக்காலத்தில் பல இளைஞர்கள் ஆன்மீகத்தில் நாட்டம் செலுத்துவதில்லை இதற்கு காரணம்?
Is youth and biking a mis-match?
What should be the next ABHS pattern added to our curve options?
All Black Hockey Sticks
opinion poll on A.P special status
Kadiyala Buchi Babu
What is your main skin concern?
Integrative Physicians Group
Do you think 16 and 17 year olds should be allowed to vote in a Referendum on Britain's membership of the EU?
European Youth Parliament United Kingdom - EYPUK
Help us rename our 15-17 year old retreats! Select below your favorite name. The name with the most votes will become the official name for our 15-17 summer and winter retreats. Thanks for your participation! French translations are in brackets.!
St. Malo Catholic Camps
What do you think was most missing from the President's State of the Union?
Enabling Peace in Iraq Center - EPIC
Would you be interested in an 8 week soccer development program for 2-5 year olds.
Swis Houston
Does a job with the Nigerian Civil Service seem attractive to you?
Ajoke Emekene
Is it embarrassing to be a Catholic today?
Acn Church
What do you think is the biggest issue of Youth in Pakistan?
Inventive Leads Study Abroad & Immigration
#PKNHDR researcher Saira Talha asks which is the bigger issue in #education? #curriculumreforms #teachertraining
#PKNHDR researcher Saira Talha asks which is the bigger issue in #education? #curriculumreforms #teachertraining
Pakistan NHDR
Would you be willing to help rebuild George Washington Carver School?
George Washington Carver Cultural Center
Which is the biggest problem youth is facing now a days?
Which is the biggest problem youth is facing now a days?
World Youth Summit for Peace
Which is the biggest problem of Pakistan?
Youth Counselling & Development Network - YCDN
Which SDGs out of the 17 should Zimbabwe prioritise? On the 25th of September 2015,the United Nations General Assembly adopted the post 2015 development agenda titled, “Transforming our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.”The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are 17 I total spread across 169 targets. The SDGs will inform development frameworks that governments will pursue globally. Click here to read more
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