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অনলাইনে কি ধরনের নতুন বাংলা কমিক কন্টেন্ট পেলে আপনি পড়তে আগ্রহী হবেন?
অনলাইনে আপনি কি ধরনের নতুন বাংলা কমিক পেলে পড়তে আগ্রহী হবেন?
Tanmoy Cartoons
Do you like anime, manga, and/or comics?
Omar Z Ramos
Halloween costume options!
Nikita Zanette Medina
What type of tournaments would you like us to hold the most?
Classic Comix
Which is your favorite Stan Lee creation?
The Paramount Theater of Charlottesville
What kind of content would you like to see on this page?
Argentium Comics
What character are you looking foreward to seeing more of in pir next comic?
What character are you most excited to see more of in our next comic?
Children Of Proteus
Which do you like more: Color comics or black and white?
Faith April
Which of these logos is the most versatile and would best represent a series of adventure/ horror stories?
FoolsWork Creative
What is your favorite thing about THE AGGREGATE
The Aggregate
Which comic book theme do you think I should develop first?
Aaron Mueller
Pick your team
What To Watch
Which webcomic platform do you prefer?
Stevie Draws Dinos
As #NerdUK begins to expand Into the realm of #Youtube , we’d like to know what kind of content/shows you guys and girls would most likely be interested in seeing??
Would you be willing to pay a monthly subscription to have digital and/or physical comics delivered to you?
ShadowBlack Comics
In your opinion, who was the best Spiderman?
Mosquito Squad
Is it time that Hollywood stops producing comic book films?
Paul Kumar
My girls love to play Lego Marvel Superheroes with me, but they are both frustrated by the relative lack of female characters. Not only that, but the male characters have more cool and useful powers. Ellie recently said that she doesn't like Marvel because of this, preferring DC, who have put their female characters to the forefront with the DC Super Hero Girls show and the Wonder Woman movie. Cici keeps asking where Catwoman is in the Marvel game, because she doesn't like "Scratchy Guy" (her name for Wolverine). So what do think? Whi does a better job with female representation?
Matt Heffernan
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