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Ok so after everything we’ve seen so far on Brexit. If you had the chance to vote again! Which you may well do what are you voting ?
How do you feel about Brexit 3 years down the line?
How do you feel about Brexit now, nearly 3 years after the initial vote?
Cooper Golding Recruitment
Should the UK leave the EU with a No Deal
Ian Fisher
In the light of No deal being taken off the table by MPs the two options now looks like Take mays deal or remaining with in the EU and at a later date try again... what would you do?
Lee Siddall
Our children are the future of this planet, should grandparents offer their vote for proxy to their grandchildren?
Kris Samyui-Adams
How did you vote in the EU elections?
Gareth Humber
Who should be your next Governor in Nairobi?
Mwalimu Njogu Waweru
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