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Do you support the establishment of war crimes court in Liberia?
Saki Golafale
Dark Silkroad TH
Do you believe Congress should be directly responsible and accountable for the wars we fight in?
Veterans Action Network
Online Popular Vote | RAP IS NOW AWARDS
Rap is Now
Who are you voting for President?
Jay Dezzer
Jaký díl TotalWar série je nejhorší?
Total War
How many people do you think have become internally displaced in Yemen since the war began?
Al-Fanar Media
There is a WAR Coming!? You SURE You're on The right Side!??
Thailand Contribute
How Long Will It Take Kim Jong-un To Threaten The US Again?
Andy Mills
Who has a smaller penis?
Sid Akbar
اگر ایالات متحده امریکا به طور کامل از افغانستان خارج شود چه اتفاقی خواهد افتاد؟
Salam Watandar
Who wins on 9/16 and how?!
Do you fear for WW3 and who will likely start it?
Robin Sen
Which war is going to start first? World III or Civil II?
Peetura Luttenbacher
Friends, I need your help and valuable input. What do you see as the issues both personally and globally that are not consistent with peace and harmony?
Martin Calderon Cohen
কোন দেশের ফেসবুক স্পেসে আপনারা আক্রমন করলে সবচেয়ে বেশি খুশি হবেন।আপনাদের জরিপ এর উপর নির্ধাণ করে পুরো ফেসবুক স্পেস খালি করা হবে।
OLD MaxTan
which movie won the hearts of audience
Pan-Turkistic efforts by Turkey and Azerbaijan against the Independent Republic of Artsakh that commenced on September 27, 2020 will lead to World War III in the next three weeks.
Emil Avanes
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