Search Results
Which venue would you come to watch the 2017 Canadian Grey Cup? (keeping in mind it is the same night as the Santa Clause Parade)
Association of Canadians in Bermuda
What football content would you like to see on this page?⚽️ ⚽️ ⚽️
Football Zero
Qui sera le champion de la Régionale 1 - Zone Guadeloupe ?
Karaibes Sports
Who's Gonna Win Sunday's Big Game !!
Torrance Pollard
Who’s going to win the 4’s v 5’s cup game?? V O T E N O W
Old Thorntonians FC
Who will win Liverpool - Manchester United?
Pro Bul Tips
Ivvota għall-isbaħ gowl mis-7 ġurnata tal-Kampjonat Premier. Liema gowl kien l-isbaħ wieħed?
Ivvota għall-plejer tax-xahar taħt it-23 sena għal Settembru 2017 sponsorjat minn Weetabix Protein. Min kien l-aħjar minn dawn il-plejers?
Ivvota għall-isbaħ gowl tax-xahar t'Ottubru 2017 tal-Kampjonat Premier, f'rokna sponsorjata minn 33 Lager Malta. Il-votazzjoni se tibqa' miftuħa sa nhar it-Tnejn, 6 ta' Novembru fis-6pm.
Replay (Net Television)
Who deserves to be named National Player of the Week? (Oct. 16)
Who deserves to be named Kohl's Kicking National Player of the Week? (Oct. 23)
Kohl's Kicking Camps
Should Tennessee Volunteers bother wasting gas and time to travel to Alabama and play them this weekend?
David Paul Chandler
Do you know how to calculate a quarterback rating?
Chuck Cathcart
BYU Football- things will turn around for the remainder of this season?
Todd Johnson
What game do you want on our giant big screen Sunday?
Mudrock's Tap & Tavern
Should NFL teams consist of players only/mostly from the team's home state?
Sarah Duncan
Which team would you like to see on the big screen?
The Ship Inn
Which costume do you like better??
REC TEC Grills
If we started to show English Premier League, which team would you prefer to see playing?
Murray & D'Vine
Who do you think will win the Bedlam game this year?
OCCC Pioneer
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