Search Results
Which statement represents how you feel?
Gregg Bealuk
Should we be able to vote for Term Limits in the next ballot?
Shane Ruthruff
Just outta curiosity after the last presedential election who still believes their vote matters?
Sparkle Johnson
Vote fore sarpanch
Kunwar Rajendra Singh
Election for the presidentship of shree khapreshwar.. vote the right
Tanishq Divkar
Vote for the TWO MOST IMPORTANT QUESTIONS that CNN should ask at the Wed. 9/4 CLIMATE CRISIS Town Hall!
DNC Environmental and Climate Crisis Council
Vote for jui
Who are you going to vote for city commission seat 1
Jermaine Miller
Do you just love President Trump? We’re you a fan of The Apprentice?
Eric Walker
Your vote is for?
Malintha N Aloka
We know it's bad for us. We try to educate. It burdens the health care system, YET fast food is sold at a low price to any age. Heart disease is the number 1 cause of death in the US. Assuming that fast food causes heart disease, What do we do?
Sydney Alston
School year should start in January and end in December.
Haji Robinson
Thinking about running for governor again. What do you think?
Joseph Amey
Will you vote in 2020 elections?
The TroTro Diary
Who’s voting straight party?
Laura Smith
Who are you voting for 2020?
Seconds Away
Who will you vote for on the 12th December?
Ian Grant Fox
Qeeyroo Abbabiyyaa
who would you vote for in 2020
Taylor Pearson
(just for fun) Residents of Robroyston Only which Party are you likely to vote for?
Adele Twaddle
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