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Pengumuman: Kita ni sentiasa berpolitik siang malam 24/7 setahun. Ada yang maki hamun dan ada yang asyik salah menyalah. Apa kata kalau setiap hari minggu atau cuti umum, kita berhenti politik? Jika setuju sila pilih jawapan anda.
Mat Umno
Life is hard and thats why I do not report you when I find you doing things beyond the rules as you try to survive. should I change the way I am and start reporting you?
Dnb Boss
If you are voting in the Lethbridge federal Riding in Oct,who will you vote for?
John Greenshields
Has the quality of service provided by the Post Office improved or deteriorated since it got sold?
Benjamin Myer Singer
Which Political You Think Will Win The General Election In St Vincent And The Grenadines
Which Political Party Do You Think Will Win The General Election In St Vincent And The Grenadines?
Randy Cordice
ფიქრობთ თუ არა,რომ ეროსი კიწმარიშვილის სიკვდილში ბიძინას ხელი ურევია?
საქართველოს ნატანჯ ტელემაყურებელთა კავშირი
Is Digital India Wave is Digital Kranti like Harit Kranti in India ?
Vikash Frank Mor
Do you think Jacob Zuma and Paul Kruger share similarities?
Will Digital India be successful?
Digitizing India
Siapa CAWALI & WAWALI Kota Magelang Pilihan Anda ?
Wong Magelang
SONDAGEM LEGISLATIVAS - Em quem vai votar do dia 4 de outubro?
Ajith or Vijay: Who is the next Super Star?
Thara Ticket
Τι χρειάζεται περισσότερο η ΝΔ;
Do you like Facebook’s plan to add a “dislike” button?
opinion poll on A.P special status
Kadiyala Buchi Babu
El crecimiento de Necochea estara dado con la continuidad de este gobierno en manos del FPV?
Estudio Inmobiliario Sarasibar
Ang Sununod Sa Na Happy Hallowen
Ak xart?
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