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Should Star Wars (1977) be included among the greatest films of all time?
For Your Consideration
fav star wars movie
Ashahrab Aamir
Si es cierto el rumor de que aparece Jar Jar Binks en Rogue One, te gustaría ver su muerte?
Base Echo Misiones
If you could only pick one, would you consider Rogue One:A Star Wars Story a Sequel, Prequel, or Spin-off?
Chris White
¿Qué películas quieren ver este verano en Cine en el Parque?
Cine en el Parque / Movies at the Park
Do you want us talking about #TheLastJedi spoilers on the TumblingSaber podcast
Favorite Star Wars Movie
Frank Greco
What Was Your Favorite Star Wars Era to Read in?
Star Wars: The Essential Reader's Guide Companion Book
We're big fans of #StarWars at Harwin, so obviously we want to know, who is your favourite villain of all? Vote below... #MayTheFourthBeWithYou
Empire magazine have revealed their top 100 films list. Which one of the top 5 is your favourite?
Smaller Pictures
Which hotel did the cast and crew member of Star Wars movie Rogue One stayed while filming in Maldives?
Elysian Maldives
Should Disney/Lucasfilm make an "Inferno Squad" film (as part 2 in a "Rogue One" trilogy) to show the Imperial perspective of the destruction of the first Death Star?
Star Wars Secrets & Spoilers - New Canon
Was Obi-Wan Kenobi the best Jedi of all time?
Robert R Martin
Is Star Wars Sci-Fi OR Fantasy? Tell us what you think and be entered to win a Star Wars prize pack! We realize it can be both sci-fi and fantasy, and that debate can run for days, but we're going to be running some battles between fandoms so we need to pick just one for Star Wars. But we need your help to decide which category to put it under.
VRD Testing
The next blog is about 3 brilliant women in Sci-Fi... Padmé Amidala, Princess Leia and Rey. But who is best?
Alice King Blog
Who do you think is Rey's father?
Celeste Momberg
Are you planning to boycott Star Ware Battlefront II because of Pay To Win features?
Boycott Pay To Win Games
What Star Wars movie should I show the missus first?
Michael Rye
What do you want Rian Johnson’s new Star Wars trilogy to be?
Pancast PODuctions Network
Which Star Wars Pinball Machine should the arcade open with?
Fort Wayne Pinball
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