Search Results
Would you like the kalesa tours to be offered regularly?
Alec Francis Altea Santos
Is your style hip-hop/street casual, Indigenous/Afrikan-centered, Professional, Black Dandy or all of the above?
Aboriginal Fly
Which weekend in Feb shall we hold GFF 2018?
Global Football Festival
Would you participate in a Mojave Days Frybread Making Contest?
FortMojave IndianTribe
Does your employment have a positive workplace culture?
Charlotte Garrett
When does the winter start?
Artem Mateush
What do you think should happen to the water feature in Mandjar Square (outside the Mandurah Performing Arts Centre)?
Councillor Peter Rogers - City of Mandurah
If you could learn a new language which one of these would you learn?
Sandra A. Rheault
Which subtitle do you prefer for a book titled Where Others Won't?
Cody Royle
Which one of the following Indian dance styles do you think is the most demanding energetically? ¿Cual de los siguientes estilos de danza India te parece el mas exigente a nivel de energia?
Glasajte za NAJ program KIC-a 2017.
Anketa "Filmski snovi - gledaoci biraju"
Kic Budo Tomovic
What are the main challenges concerning European cultural heritage?
European Urban Knowledge Network - EUKN EGTC
How would you prefer to Buy Your Print
Kaizen Print
איזה סוג הנצחה לעפרה חזה ומורשתה היית רוצה לראות בישראל ובעולם? How would you like Ofra Haza and her legacy to be memorialized in Israel and the world?
Ofra Haza - עפרה חזה
Which of these leadership characteristics do you think is the most important?
Pragmatic Thinking
Question of the week: Do you agree people quit people, not companies?
People Passion Limited
We plan to run an event in August where we will help small businesses schedule a day of live acoustic music! Think a porchfest-style event, but in small businesses. What should we call it?
Brighton Main Streets
As A Millennial Parent (Born between 1981-1996) Is African Clothing & Fashion important to youn for your children?
ZaNy Asare
Which of the following names do you associate with an international language school?
Mumal Kumari
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